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Session 2--Finding Our Topic

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Saved by Ameliaon@comcast.net
on February 5, 2013 at 7:57:18 pm

In this session, you will commit to a study topic and form work teams.  Here are the steps you will take to accomplish these goals.


1.  Refer to last week's list of topics.  Choose one of the topics as is, modify it, or choose a new one.

2.  You will participate in two activities in which you share why you are interested in your topic and try to persuade other people to join your team. 

3.  Once you have formed work teams of three or four people, share personal perspectives and ideas about the topic in preparation for a homework writing assignment.



Resource #1: List of Possible Topics from Last Week's Class



Resource #2: Directions for Your Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitches are speeches that are designed to be delivered in the time it takes to complete an elevator ride (approximately 1 minute).  Your job is to create a succinct, easy-to-understand, and appealing speech that will persuade your listener to do what you want--invest in your business, give you a job, go on a date with you, or join your work team.


Here are some suggestions for things to include in your pitch:

  • Say who you are and explain why you are interested in your topic;
  • Give a few reasons why the topic might be relevant to the person you're speaking to;
  • Explain why it might be interesting to study the topic as a team;
  • How else might you persuade your listener to join your team.


Resource #3: Guidelines for a Follow Up Writing Assignment

Reflect on the discussion that you had with your teammates today about your topic.  Write 1 to 3 paragraphs  


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