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Page history last edited by Maria Tomeho-Palermino 10 years, 3 months ago
Topic/Notes Assignment Due (to be done before class starts on date listed at left)
Just in case you're not already familiar with how a WIKI works. 
  • Our course website is a wiki! What is a wiki? Watch the Common Craft video for an explanation. 
  • Sign up to be an "writer" of this wiki webspace by clicking on the link in the email you were sent or by click on the "To join this workspace, request access" link on the right.
2/11  Session 2: Written Reflection

 Reflect on the discussion that you had with your teammates on 2/6 about your topic.  Write 1 to 3 paragraphs that explore the topic from your point of view.  You might discuss things such as what you know about the topic/issue already, how your perspective might be different from others, questions you have or things you'd like to learn about your topic.  Please post your writing on your group's WIKI page by Monday 2/11, so that others in your team will have time to read it.   You should also read your teammates' writing and post a comment for them before next Wednesday's session.  

2/20  Homework from Session 4 is due before 2/27.  


  • Choose a link to watch or to study individually and present it to your team. 
  • Write your thoughts and comment on this link on your wiki page using the questions from the Session 4 page as guidelines.
  • Make sure you add a few relevant vocabulary items and their definitions to the group vocabulary page.  
  • In class or in outside meetings, continue to find, review, and discuss research links related to your topic.  You should be moving towards creating a combining individual work to create a team presentation.    
   Due 3/25

Post your team presentation plan on your group's WIKI site.  This plan should contain two sections.

1.  A content section that shows the general order and time allotment for who is presenting what.  Within this general framework, each individual should post a brief outline of what s/he is presenting.  You can give more details later, but by 3/28, you should have the rough outline so that the group can start to work on coordinating/connecting the content of their individual parts to create a single unified presentation.

2.  A media and methods section that describes what media {computers (Power Point, Prezi, video, etc.}, blackboards, handouts) and what presentation methods/techniques (debate, role play, panel discussion, etc.) you'll be using.  Refer to the video tutorials posted for Week 7 as needed. 

   Check Navigator for schedule for presentations





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